Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring in the air?

It is so long since I did a blog post. It has been a hard winter. So much has happened, not all of it good, but it has been a busy time. The box is finished and raffled and won, making someone happy.
One of the highlights of the last two months was a wonderful weekend course with Jacqueline Smith. organised by Ribble Creative Stitchers. I have long admired Jacqueline's work and I just love this print of one of her collages.

I have been busy doing a blog for Preston Embroiderers Guild, which you can look at at here.
Many thanks to Jackie, who knows all there is to know about blogging ... and many other things.

Another highlight was a talk by Judy Fairless of the Contemporary Quilt Group at Parbold Embroiderers' Guild on Saturday. This was the 'Journal Quilt Project' and involved making a small quilt every month for a year. Judy did this for four years!
I'm not a quilter but I was entranced by some of the images and ideas. These little shoes were delightful. There were lovely sketchbooks as well ...
... as more than 48 delightful quilts.
This was one of my favourites - a Tuscan hillside.

There is, perhaps, a hint of spring in the air and the promise of the return of creativity?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Twelfth Night - and some trees

Yes, it's 'Twelfth Night' and apart from it being my very favourite play, it's also the day you take down your Christmas decorations if you're as superstitious as me. Can't risk any bad luck this year!

This was the view from my bedroom window this morning. Pretty bleak - but still pretty?

I am going to try to note three things every day that have made me happy. Today's are (1) that I decided to scrape my frozen car and brave the icy roads - scary but satisfying. Then (2) I took down the decorations and have the house looking back to normal. Sometimes I think that Twelfth Night is a better time to start New Year's Resolutions than New Year's Day. It's like a new start in a way?

This is my Christmas tree before I started to dismantle it ...
... and these are two of my favourite decorations. Two glass Christmas trees bought at the Corning Glass factory in 1988 on our first visit to America. They hold lovely memories ...
I made these door garlands many years ago and am still fond of them.

(3) is that when I go to bed I have lovely clean sheets. I've had a busy day ...

... and I've also been doing some sewing. This is going to be a box to raffle to raise money for the Mission Aviation Fund in February.

Oh, and keeping to the 'Twelfth Night' theme, those NYRs have to include "there shall be no more cakes and ale". Oh, dear ...

Friday, January 1, 2010

Ring out loud bells across the snow

Well, no bells and no snow ... but a Happy New Year to one and all!

You've probably guessed what my New Year's Resolution is? Welcome to 2010! ('Two thousand and ten' or 'Twenty-ten' - does it really matter?)

Strange how enjoyable - and guilt-free - a Bank Holiday can be? Somehow there is permission to do 'nothing'? I read an article in this morning's paper about how happiness is made up of very small things and that we should make a note of three 'simple pleasures' that we encounter every day. Interesting ...

Well, here's mine for today. Stayed in bed (a rare treat) listening to Desert Island Discs with David Tennant. I'm not a Doctor Who fan but he was fantastic in 'Hamlet' which I watched yesterday. And he's a 'West Wing' fan!

Lazy morning reading the paper and then a wonderful walk on the park in the sunshine after lunch. Tidied up my 'playroom' and made a trifle for tomorrow's Embroiderers' Guild 'Jacob's Join', whilst watching 'Guns of Navarone' - they don't make 'em like this any more?

Then a look at some lovely blogs (not something I've been doing lately) and realised that I have so much to learn/re-learn as they all look so beautiful and I've forgotten so much. (Must learn about mosaics and pretty mine up a bit - another NYR?)

Finished off with the last episode of 'Gavin and Stacey' and then wrote this post. Yes, all in all, a happy day.

The photo is a felt corsage with beaded centre. I've had 'tennis elbow' for ages and haven't been doing any 'proper' felt-making but have been able to manage these small pieces. The elbow's getting better - I've given up on those smashes, lobs and killer strokes - and I hope to be back on the felt scene properly soon.