Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Twelfth Night - and some trees

Yes, it's 'Twelfth Night' and apart from it being my very favourite play, it's also the day you take down your Christmas decorations if you're as superstitious as me. Can't risk any bad luck this year!

This was the view from my bedroom window this morning. Pretty bleak - but still pretty?

I am going to try to note three things every day that have made me happy. Today's are (1) that I decided to scrape my frozen car and brave the icy roads - scary but satisfying. Then (2) I took down the decorations and have the house looking back to normal. Sometimes I think that Twelfth Night is a better time to start New Year's Resolutions than New Year's Day. It's like a new start in a way?

This is my Christmas tree before I started to dismantle it ...
... and these are two of my favourite decorations. Two glass Christmas trees bought at the Corning Glass factory in 1988 on our first visit to America. They hold lovely memories ...
I made these door garlands many years ago and am still fond of them.

(3) is that when I go to bed I have lovely clean sheets. I've had a busy day ...

... and I've also been doing some sewing. This is going to be a box to raffle to raise money for the Mission Aviation Fund in February.

Oh, and keeping to the 'Twelfth Night' theme, those NYRs have to include "there shall be no more cakes and ale". Oh, dear ...


Mary Welsh Hubbard said...

I LOVE THAT BOX! oooo so pretty. I've always wanted to make a box-it's on my list. And NO CAKES OR ALE?! just shoot me now. I would last...oh, maybe an hour. Well, I'm more of a cakes and wine kind of gal, but still...take my cake and there will be bloodshed. :O)

Jackie said...

Who needs ale when there's wine?
That tree is so 'you' and the little glass decorations are exquisite.


Hi, Thanks for the comment on my post. I loved the Arabian Nights it was magical and well worth watching. I am not sure if it is travelling around the country but definately look out for it.

The sketching well all quiet on the western front at the moment its a bit hectic juggliing well life!

Take care Sam x

Charm Bracelets said...

When the seasons change they bring a new feeling of life with them,and spring is full of colours and bright sunshine which is a very creative period for all works of art.