Friday, January 1, 2010

Ring out loud bells across the snow

Well, no bells and no snow ... but a Happy New Year to one and all!

You've probably guessed what my New Year's Resolution is? Welcome to 2010! ('Two thousand and ten' or 'Twenty-ten' - does it really matter?)

Strange how enjoyable - and guilt-free - a Bank Holiday can be? Somehow there is permission to do 'nothing'? I read an article in this morning's paper about how happiness is made up of very small things and that we should make a note of three 'simple pleasures' that we encounter every day. Interesting ...

Well, here's mine for today. Stayed in bed (a rare treat) listening to Desert Island Discs with David Tennant. I'm not a Doctor Who fan but he was fantastic in 'Hamlet' which I watched yesterday. And he's a 'West Wing' fan!

Lazy morning reading the paper and then a wonderful walk on the park in the sunshine after lunch. Tidied up my 'playroom' and made a trifle for tomorrow's Embroiderers' Guild 'Jacob's Join', whilst watching 'Guns of Navarone' - they don't make 'em like this any more?

Then a look at some lovely blogs (not something I've been doing lately) and realised that I have so much to learn/re-learn as they all look so beautiful and I've forgotten so much. (Must learn about mosaics and pretty mine up a bit - another NYR?)

Finished off with the last episode of 'Gavin and Stacey' and then wrote this post. Yes, all in all, a happy day.

The photo is a felt corsage with beaded centre. I've had 'tennis elbow' for ages and haven't been doing any 'proper' felt-making but have been able to manage these small pieces. The elbow's getting better - I've given up on those smashes, lobs and killer strokes - and I hope to be back on the felt scene properly soon.


lilylovekin said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind comment. Hope your New year is full of love and joy from one Sagitarius to another.

Lyn said...

sounds like my sort of day! Lets hope you have many more like that in the year to come!

Jackie said...

We had a bit of snow here.
Happy New Year.
(Its started well)


What a lovely broach. The structure is amazing I love felt it is magic stuff.
